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Moses Michael Hays Lodge

2023-2024 Online Dues Payment


The most basic thing a loyal Brother can do to show his commitment and loyalty to the lodge and fraternal bond to our craft is timely payment of annual dues.


Moses Michael Hays lodge relies upon timely payment of your dues in order to pay our ongoing expenses as well to plan for the future.


We also are required to pay Massachusetts Grand Lodge dues regardless of whether our members pay or when they remit their dues.


As we are a volunteer organization, time is an extremely precious and limited commodity and is best spent conducting lodge business and coordinating events that makes our craft more engaging and meaningful to our members versus weeks of follow-up with lodge members in order to collect this highly needed funding..


It is for these reasons that we heartfully thank each and every one for paying their annual dues in a timely manner.


Moses Michael Hays Lodge is also offering a discount if dues if paid by November 1, 2023.


Click the button below to pay your annual dues amount designated on the invoice that was mailed to you plus any voluntary contributions you wish to make (go to the end of this page).





Click below to donate to the following Moses Michael Hays funds.

​​​150th Anniversary Fund
Demolay (for boys)
Rainbow (for girls)
Charity Fund
General Fund


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